It was me

Tomorrow is election day here in the United States, and it's a pretty consequential election. I voted almost two weeks ago and I can't wait for this to be over. I feel like everybody is trying to do things to take their mind off of the election. I was thinking about headlines and news and how I like to get a little creative for April Fools. I am already hard at work for April 4, 2025. Imagine what the world could look like by then! I choose to believe it will be a much more peaceful place.

April Fools 2024

April Fools 2023

TikTok to me

One thing that is really fun to do is to talk about my paintings on TikTok. I've been posting a painting every day on there or a piece of artwork anyway and feels very good to look through all of the work I've done. Because even if nobody else watches these videos, I get to look at my paintings again. And I really love these paintings. I made all of them for myself. Why else is anybody making paintings.

So on TikTok, if you spend enough time on there, you also get convince to share your outfits with people and then I can get a little weird.

Unstampable Me

Is it the summer of my discontent, or the fall? Or is it the ability to quickly make a mark? Carving stamps this very satisfying and I highly recommend giving it a try.

You will need Speedball carving blocks, a brayer, a carving tool, paper and ink. That’s just to give you an idea. Blick’s has a great selection.

The stress is almost visible these days, isn’t it? So make sure you take a walk too, as well as something small that is creative. Personally I don’t think that much news is that great for us. The 24 hour news cycle might be what got us into this mess in the first place. They're just selling. Yuval Noah Harari in the book Sapiens which everyone should read talks about how anthropologists think that humans for most of our time on earth have lived in groups of about 150 to 200, all over the globe. So that means our brains developed with the capacity to be able to keep a thread on that many people.

It is definitely important to know who you can trust in your community, and who you can't and where you can go to get things done. But now in the modern day, we're hearing about tragedies and happenings in small towns half a world away minutes after they happen and our bodies don't know the difference from our reaction if it's someone we actually know or it's just reading words on a screen. Our reactions are the same. It’s like humanity has been in a high cortisol stress response since World War One, with constant news about battles in far off places. I'm not saying the answer is to put your head in the sand, but the current method is a disaster.

Anyhow, I use these carved pieces to make things. Cheers.